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Episode #3: Web3 for Web Developers with Nader Dabit
An excerpt from RenderATL's Culture & Code podcast Episode #3: Web3 for Web Developers with Nader Dabit (@dabit3):
Note: this is a special Render Vault episode featuring @willjohnsonio as host.
What would you say to the Web3 skeptics of people who are ... That's calling it a scam and a Ponzi and things like that. You're definitely deep into it. What would be your advice to them to make them kind of give it a try?
I don't really think that it's worth talking to the people that are using that type of language. They usually ...
Kind of like I would say for the most part, when they've gone that far, they've kind of like put themselves in a position publicly where they want to take a stance and there's no evidence that will change them. It's almost like speaking to a religious person about trying to convince them that their religion is wrong or someone like an extreme politician. I think the more interesting discussions are happening around the people that are open minded and are nuanced, where they will say ... They'll express skepticism without being extremely harsh in their language, and that typically means that they're just open minded people that are obviously seeing that this is just a technology that has its drawbacks as well as it's upsides. And those are the people that are often the most enjoyable to have these skeptical conversations with. There are also people that just use these really foul talking points and create toxic environments that just say stuff like that, that don't really want to have the discussion and those are the people I tend to stay away from.
This was an excerpt from Culture & Code, a podcast brought to you by RenderATL that is focused on leveling up your tech career and exploring new technologies.
You can listen to the full episode and read the complete transcript on our website here.
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