for different kinds of informations.
Linking to a heading in the same page in Hugo
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Precious Chicken
Linking to another page in markdown in Hugo is easy: i.e. [Auntie Beeb](
renders as Auntie Beeb - but when you want a link to a heading in the same page I can never remember, so this is a quick aide-memoire:
In HTML a relative link to an element in the same page looks like:
<!-- <a> element links to the section below -->
<p><a href="#Section_further_down">
Jump to the heading below
<!-- Heading to link to -->
<h2 id="Section_further_down">Section further down</h2>
Hugo markdown
In Hugo to achieve the same effect:
<!-- <a> element links to the section below -->
[Jump to the heading below](#section-further-down)
<!-- Heading to link to -->
## Section further down
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Linking to a heading in the same page in Hugo
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