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Preventing Clickjacking in Laravel Applications

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Pentest Testing Corp
Preventing Clickjacking in Laravel Applications

Clickjacking is a malicious technique where attackers trick users into clicking on something different from what they perceive, potentially compromising sensitive information or performing unintended actions. In Laravel applications, it's crucial to implement measures to prevent such attacks.

Preventing Clickjacking in Laravel Applications

Understanding Clickjacking

Clickjacking involves embedding a transparent iframe over a legitimate webpage, deceiving users into interacting with the hidden content. This can lead to unauthorized actions, such as changing account settings or initiating transactions.

Implementing X-Frame-Options in Laravel

One effective method to prevent clickjacking is by setting the X-Frame-Options header, which controls whether a browser should be allowed to render a page in a <frame>, <iframe>, <embed>, or <object> tag.

Using Laravel's FrameGuard Middleware

Laravel provides the FrameGuard middleware to set the X-Frame-Options header. By default, it is set to SAMEORIGIN, allowing the page to be framed only by the same origin.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Locate the Kernel File:
    Open the app/Http/Kernel.php file in your Laravel project.

  2. Add FrameGuard Middleware:
    Ensure that \Illuminate\Http\Middleware\FrameGuard::class is included in the $middleware array.

   protected $middleware = [
       // Other middleware
  1. Customize the Header (Optional): If you need to change the header value, you can do so by modifying the middleware.
   namespace App\Http\Middleware;

   use Closure;

   class CustomFrameGuard
       public function handle($request, Closure $next)
           $response = $next($request);
           $response->headers->set('X-Frame-Options', 'DENY');
           return $response;

Then, register this middleware in the $middleware array.

Alternative Method: Setting Headers in Web Server Configuration

If you prefer to set the header at the web server level, you can configure it in your server settings.

  • For Nginx:
  add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";
  • For Apache:
  Header always set X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"

Testing Your Implementation

After implementing the X-Frame-Options header, it's essential to test your application to ensure it's functioning as expected.

You can use online tools like the Free Website Vulnerability Scanner to check if your site is protected against clickjacking.

Screenshot of the free tools webpage where you can access security assessment tools.Screenshot of the free tools webpage where you can access security assessment tools.

Analyzing Vulnerability Reports

After scanning your website, the tool will generate a vulnerability assessment report.

Review the report to identify any issues related to clickjacking and other security concerns.

An example of a vulnerability assessment report generated with our free tool provides insights into possible vulnerabilities.An example of a vulnerability assessment report generated with our free tool provides insights into possible vulnerabilities.


Protecting your Laravel applications from clickjacking is vital for maintaining user trust and security. By implementing the X-Frame-Options header using Laravel's built-in middleware or configuring it at the web server level, you can effectively mitigate this threat. Regularly testing your website with tools like ours to test website security free ensures ongoing protection against such attacks.

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