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Quick mongo tutorial
Published at
Le Vuong
Take a quick look at how MongoDB works by following this simple tutorial. All you need is Docker—no additional installations required!
# Run mongo container, expose mongo port
$ docker run --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 -d mongodb/mongodb-community-server:latest
# connect to container to run mongo shell
$ docker exec -it mongodb
# Now, in the mongo container, run mongosh
$ mongosh
# when connected to mongosh, use `help` to show available commands
test> help
# list dbs
test> show dbs
# Create and switch to db blog if not exist
test> use blog
# Create collection (or `table`)
$ db.createCollection("posts")
# switch to admin db
$ use admin
# Show first document
$ db.system.version.findOne()
# Insert one docs
$ db.posts.insertOne({})
# Insert mutiple docs
$ db.posts.insertMany([ obj1, obj2 ])
# From your host machine, download sample csv 'citybike'
curl -o citybike.csv
# Copy csv file to mongo container
docker cp citybike.csv mongo:/tmp/citybike.csv
# In mongo container, import sample data to test DB
$ mongoimport --type=csv --headerline /tmp/citybike.csv
# List some rows
$ db.citybike.find({}, {}, {limit: 1})
_id: ObjectId('671c57a08c5dcbdd8f44b140'),
tripduration: 602,
starttime: '2019-12-01 00:00:05.5640',
stoptime: '2019-12-01 00:10:07.8180',
'start station id': 3382,
'start station name': 'Carroll St & Smith St',
'start station latitude': 40.680611,
'start station longitude': -73.99475825,
'end station id': 3304,
'end station name': '6 Ave & 9 St',
'end station latitude': 40.668127,
'end station longitude': -73.98377641,
bikeid: 41932,
usertype: 'Subscriber',
'birth year': 1970,
gender: 1
Follow w3schools tutorial in References section if you want to learn more.
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