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PSR-1: Basic Coding Standard in PHP
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Russell Jones
Ever wondered why some PHP codebases are a joy to work with while others feel like a maze? A lot of it comes down to following consistent coding standards. Let’s explore PSR-1, the foundation of modern PHP development that helps teams write cleaner, more maintainable code!
Overview of PSR-1 Rules
1. Files and Namespaces
- Files MUST use only
tags - Files MUST use only UTF-8 without BOM for PHP code
- Files SHOULD either declare symbols (classes, functions, constants) OR cause side-effects (generate output, modify settings, etc.) but SHOULD NOT do both
2. Namespace and Class Names
- Classes MUST be declared in
- Class constants MUST be declared in all upper case with underscore separators
3. Class Methods
- Method names MUST be declared in
Practical Implementation
Let’s look at a correct PSR-1 implementation from our example repository:
namespace JonesRussell\PhpFigGuide\PSR1;
class UserManager
const VERSION = '1.0.0';
const ERROR_TYPE_NOT_FOUND = 'not_found';
public function getUserById($id)
// Implementation
return ['id' => $id, 'name' => 'John Doe'];
This example demonstrates:
- Proper namespace declaration using
- Class name in
- Constants in uppercase with underscores
- Method name in
Common Violations and Fixes
Mixed Responsibilities
Incorrect Naming
Integration with Modern PHP Tools
Our example repository includes setup for:
- PHP_CodeSniffer for PSR-1 validation (
composer check-style
) - Automated style fixing (
composer fix-style
) - PHPUnit for testing implementations
- Composer autoloading following PSR-4
Next Steps
In our next post, we’ll explore PSR-12, which extends these basic coding standards with more comprehensive style guidelines. This post is part of our PSR Standards in PHP series.
- Official PSR-1 Specification
- PHP_CodeSniffer PSR-1 Ruleset
- Series Example Repository (v0.1.0 - PSR-1 Implementation)
12 articles in total
PSR-6: Caching Interface in PHP
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PSR-4: Autoloading Standard in PHP
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PSR-3: Logger Interface in PHP
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PSR-1: Basic Coding Standard in PHP
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