for different kinds of informations.
IRIS-RAG-Gen: Personalizing ChatGPT RAG Application Powered by IRIS Vector Search
Hi Community,
In this article, I will introduce my applicationĀ iris-RAG-GenĀ .
Iris-RAG-Gen is a generative AI Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) application that leverages the functionality of IRIS Vector Search to personalize ChatGPT with the help of the Streamlit web framework, LangChain, and OpenAI. The application uses IRIS as a vector store.
Application Features
- Ingest Documents (PDF or TXT) into IRIS
- Chat with the selected Ingested document
- Delete Ingested Documents
- OpenAI ChatGPT
Ingest Documents (PDF or TXT) into IRIS
Follow the Below Steps to Ingest the document:
- Enter OpenAI Key
- Select Document (PDF or TXT)
- Enter Document Description
- Click on the Ingest Document Button
Ingest Document functionality inserts document details into rag_documents table and creates 'rag_document + id'Ā (id of the rag_documents) table to save vector data.
The Python code below will save the selected documentĀ into vectors:
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from langchain.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader, TextLoader
from langchain_iris import IRISVector
from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from sqlalchemy import create_engine,text
class RagOpr:
#Ingest document. Parametres contains file path, description and file type
def ingestDoc(self,filePath,fileDesc,fileType):
embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings()
#Load the document based on the file type
if fileType == "text/plain":
loader = TextLoader(filePath)
elif fileType == "application/pdf":
loader = PyPDFLoader(filePath)
#load data into documents
documents = loader.load()
text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=400, chunk_overlap=0)
#Split text into chunks
texts = text_splitter.split_documents(documents)
#Get collection Name from rag_doucments table.
COLLECTION_NAME = self.get_collection_name(fileDesc,fileType)
# function to create collection_name table and store vector data in it.
db = IRISVector.from_documents(
collection_name = COLLECTION_NAME,
#Get collection name
def get_collection_name(self,fileDesc,fileType):
# check if rag_documents table exists, if not then create it
with self.engine.connect() as conn:
with conn.begin():
sql = text("""
AND TABLE_NAME = 'rag_documents';
result = []
result = conn.execute(sql).fetchall()
except Exception as err:
print("An exception occurred:", err)
return ''
#if table is not created, then create rag_documents table first
if len(result) == 0:
sql = text("""
CREATE TABLE rag_documents (
description VARCHAR(255),
docType VARCHAR(50) )
result = conn.execute(sql)
except Exception as err:
print("An exception occurred:", err)
return ''
#Insert description value
with self.engine.connect() as conn:
with conn.begin():
sql = text("""
INSERT INTO rag_documents
VALUES (:desc,:ftype)
result = conn.execute(sql, {'desc':fileDesc,'ftype':fileType})
except Exception as err:
print("An exception occurred:", err)
return ''
#select ID of last inserted record
sql = text("""
result = conn.execute(sql).fetchall()
except Exception as err:
print("An exception occurred:", err)
return ''
return "rag_document"+str(result[0][0])
Type the below SQL command in the management portal to retrieve vector data
SELECT top 5
id, embedding, document, metadata
FROM SQLUser.rag_document2
Chat with the selected Ingested document
Select the Document from select chat option section and type question.Ā The application will read the vector data and return the relevant answer
The Python code below will save the selected documentĀ into vectors:
from langchain_iris import IRISVector
from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings,ChatOpenAI
from langchain.chains import ConversationChain
from langchain.chains.conversation.memory import ConversationSummaryMemory
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
class RagOpr:
def ragSearch(self,prompt,id):
#Concat document id with rag_doucment to get the collection name
COLLECTION_NAME = "rag_document"+str(id)
embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings()
#Get vector store reference
db2 = IRISVector (
#Similarity search
docs_with_score = db2.similarity_search_with_score(prompt)
#Prepair the retrieved documents to pass to LLM
relevant_docs = ["".join(str(doc.page_content)) + " " for doc, _ in docs_with_score]
#init LLM
llm = ChatOpenAI(
#manage and handle LangChain multi-turn conversations
conversation_sum = ConversationChain(
memory= ConversationSummaryMemory(llm=llm),
#Create prompt
template = f"""
Prompt: {prompt}
Relevant Docuemnts: {relevant_docs}
#Return the answer
resp = conversation_sum(template)
return resp['response']
For more details, please visitĀ iris-RAG-GenĀ open exchange application page.
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