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Reverse a string in JavaScript without using reverse()
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Imran Shaik
Here is the JavaScript program to reverse a string without using the reverse() method
function reverseString(str){
let reversed= '';
for(i=str.length-1; i>0; i--){
reversed += str[i];
return reversed;
const originalString = "Hello world";
const reveresedString = reverseString(originalString);
console.log("original String", originalString);
console.log("reversed string", reveresedString );
- The function reverseString takes the input as string
- It iterates through the string from the last character to the first
- Each Character is appended to the reversed string in reverse order
- Finally the reversed string is return.
This Program avoids the use of reverse() and achieves the desired functionality.
Detailed: How it works.
- str[i]: Access the character at index i in the string str
- for Example, if str == "Hello ": ** str[4]** is 'o' ** str[3]** is 'l'
reversed += str[i]: this is shorthand for reversed = reversed + str[i]
- it takes the current value or reversed, appends str[i] to it, and then updates reversed with this new value.
*Iterative Process: *
Let's break it down for str = "abc"
Initial state:
- reversed=""(Empty string);
- Loop start at i=2(last character of the string)
Iteration 1 (i=2);
- reversed +=str[2] -> reversed = "" + "c" -> reversed ="c" Iteration 2 (i=1);
- reversed +=str[1] -> reversed = "c" + "b" -> reversed = "cb" Iteration 3 (i=0);
- reversed +=str[0] -> reversed = "cb" + "a" -> reversed ="cba"
Final Output:
- reversed = "cba"
Why use += ?
The += operator simplifies the process of building the reversed string incrementally without needing an array or additional logic. It's efficient purpose in JavaScript
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