for different kinds of informations.
Functional Patterns: Composition and Implicitness
This is part 2 of a series of articles entitled Functional Patterns.
Make sure to check out the rest of the articles!
Partial Application
Often we talk about currying in an imperative context, it seems unnecessary as it is extra overhead just to be able to deal with multiple arguments.
After all, why should you write a => b => a + b
when you can write it with (a, b) => a + b
And the reason is the main power of currying patterns: Partial Application.
In a non-curried declaration we can really only have:
# Python
def add(a, b):
return a + b
print(add(4, 5)) # 9
print(add(4, 3)) # 7
But because curried functions return us another function, we can decide to keep it in a partially-applied state.
def add(a):
return lambda b: a + b
print(add(4)(5)) # 9
# or ...
add4 = add(4) # A function that takes 1 argument and adds 4
# It's a `partially-applied` version of the original `add` function.
print(add4(5)) # 9
print(add4(3)) # 7
Since arguments are handled in separate functions, we can pre-apply some arguments that might fit our use-case without having to rewrite similar logic.
def resize_image(image_type):
def resize(image, x, y):
# some extra logic
return resized_image
if image_type == "svg":
# some extra logic
return resize
resize_svg = resize("svg")
resize_png = resize("png")
resize_jpg = resize("jpg")
# ...
And now we pretty much have a Builder pattern minus all of the disgusting OOP.
Composition and Combinators
In the functional style, complexity comes from simple functions composed together.
reverse(map(lambda a: a*a, [4,5,3,2]))
# or ...
reverse([a*a for a in [4,5,3,2]])
Here we are squaring all the numbers in an array, and then reversing the resulting array. When we find ourselves saying "and then" after describing what a function does, this is already actually composition! And in a functional paradigm, that's pretty much where all the logic happens, in composition.
Moreover, the type of composition you're probably most accustomed to is actually, what we call a combinator.
Combinators (from the field of mathematics called lambda calculus, and eventually combinatory logic [which is different from combinatorics!]) are patterns which describe the way you are to compose functions together.
In fact, this manner of composition is called the Bluebird (or B-Combinator). The definition is as follows:
// javascript for terse lambdas
B = f => g => a => f(g(a))
And it checks out, the g
function is applied first to a, then f
is applied to its result!
Let's see an example of the B-combinator in use.
B = lambda f: lambda g: lambda a: f(g(a))
# curried map
c_map = lambda f: lambda a: map(f, a)
# our original composition
reverse(map(lambda a: a*a, [4,5,3,2]))
# The same expression written with the Bluebird
# (spaces are added for clarity)
B (reverse) (c_map(lambda: a*a)) ([4, 5, 3, 2])
And let's add on another combinator called the Thrush combinator, which is pretty useless in imperative programming. All it does is apply a function f
to a value a
T = f => a => f(a)
However, this is an important building block in a pure and lazy functional language such as Haskell, as it allows us to evaluate the function f
first, before applying it.
And now we should be able to read all common Haskell syntax!
-- B-Combinator
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(.) f g a = f (g a)
-- T-Combinator
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
($) f a = f a
infixr 0 $ -- the left argument is evaluated first
-- infix versions of functions have the first argument on the left, and the second on the right
-- f . g == (.) f g
ans :: [Int]
ans = reverse . map (\a -> a*a) $ [4, 5, 3, 2]
Okay, well maybe not all syntax, but from inference, we can see where the combinators are used:
- The B-Combinator composes
and a curriedmap
- The T-Combinator applies the composed function to the array
[4, 5, 3, 2]
Even more Combinators!
Composition happens so much in functional programming that mathematicians way smarter than us have actually written down and coined recurring patterns as even more combinators.
Combinators are called combinators because most of them are derived from combining other combinators.
Here are 3 combinators that are notable in my opinion (the rest is left for curious readers to read up on :>).
- The Phi Combinator
phi = f => g => h => a => f (g(a)) (h(a))
Function f
is called with the arguments g(a)
and h(a)
, or the result of calling g
and h
on a value a
A great example of this pattern would be the average
phi = lambda f: lambda g: lambda h: lambda a: f (g(a)) (h(a))
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
div = lambda a: lambda b: a / b # helper division function
print( sum(a) / len(b) ) # we can see the pattern emerge here
# if we think of division as a function
average = phi (div) (sum) (len) (a)
-- haskell
import Control.Applicative
-- liftA2 is Haskell's phi combinator
average = liftA2 div sum length [1 .. 5]
- The Psi Combinator
psi = f => g => a => b => f (g(a)) (g(b))
Function f
is called with the arguments g(a)
and g(b)
, or the result of calling g
on value a
and b
There are two good examples that come to mind.
// javascript
psi = f => g => a => b => f (g(a)) (g(b))
eq = a => b => a == b // helper function for checking equality
// A simple way to compare arrays in javascript is to turn *both* of them into strings first.
a = [2, 3, 4]
b = [3, 4, 5]
console.log( JSON.stringify(a) == JSON.stringify(b) )
console.log( psi (eq) (JSON.stringify) (a) (b) )
// The distance formula has you square *both* differences first, and then sqrt the sum.
distanceFormula = (x2, x1, y2, y1) => {
return psi (a => b => Math.sqrt(a + b)) (a => a * a) (x2 - x1) (y2 - y1))
-- haskell
import Data.Function
-- `on` is Haskell's infix version of Psi
eqArr = ((==) `on` show) [2,3,4] [3,4,5]
distanceFormula x2 x1 y2 y1 = (sqrt .: ((+) `on` (^2))) (x2 - x1) (y2 - y1)
- The Starling (S-Combinator)
s = f => g => a => f (a) (g(a))
Function f
is called with the arguments a
and g(a)
, the result of calling g
on value a
For the ones with keen eyes, you can already probably notice that the S-Combinator is actually just a special form of the Phi combinator. And that's because it is. Specifically, it is the Phi combinator with g
as the identity
function (or the I-Combinator) defined as:
i = a => a // the identity combinator simply returns its argument
s = f => g => a => phi (f) (i) (g) (a)
A great example would be checking if a string is a palindrome, wherein we compare a string to its reverse.
# python
s = lambda f: lambda g: lambda a: f (a) (g(a))
eq = lambda a: lambda b: a == b # curried helper
s (eq) (reverse) ("racecar")
-- haskell
ans :: Bool
ans = ((==) <*> reverse) "racecar" -- (<*> is Haskell's infix version for the S-combinator)
Using compositions and combinators allow us to write functions with implicit arguments. This is called its tacit or point-free form.
This means we no longer have to specify the arguments of our functions, as they are implicitly declared by the compositions we use, leaving us with a partially applied function.
sqr = lambda a: a*a # helper for squaring
c_map = lambda f: lambda a: map(f, a)
# Explicit form
def _sum_of_squares(arr : list[int]) -> int:
squares = map(sqr, arr)
return sum(squares)
# Implicit form
sum_of_squares = b (sum) (c_map(sqr)) # Note that we aren't providing the `arr` argument
sum_of_squares([1,2,3]) # But we can still use it because sum_of_squares is partially applied
And this is how functional languages can get away with elegant point-free definitions. In fact, one of my favorite things to do when writing in functional languages is to refactor them into their tacit forms.
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Function
sumOfSquares :: [Int] -> Int
sumOfSquares = sum . map (^2)
isPalindrome :: String -> Bool
isPalindrome = (==) <*> reverse
isLonger :: String -> String -> Bool
isLonger = (>) `on` length
average :: [Int] -> Float
average = liftA2 (/) (sum) (length)
Tacit definitions of course bring extra overhead to your code, but like many things in modern programming, they can serve as abstractions for programmers to be able to write terse and (subjectively) clean code by leveraging math.
Applying functional patterns in mostly imperative languages don't really end up that nice-looking but I still hope you learned something new from this, and are able to apply the patterns in this article (probably not in production codebases) to your future code!
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