for different kinds of informations.
Build a Text Summarization app using Reflex (Pure Python)
Reflex is an open-source, full-stack Python framework that makes it easy to build and deploy web apps in minutes. You have most of the features of a frontend library like Reactjs and a backend framework like Django in one with ease in development and deployment. All while developing in a single language PYTHON.
We will use Reflex to build a text summarization app where a user will be able to input a text and the Openai llm and langchain will generate a summary of the text.
The following will be the output of the app:
- Get an OpenAI API Key
- Create a new folder, open it with a code editor
- Create a virtual environment and activate
- Install requirements
- reflex setup
- .gitignore
- run app
- conclusion
Get an OpenAI API Key
First, get your own OpenAI API key:
- Go to
- Click on the + Create new secret key button.
- Enter an identifier name (optional) and click on the Create secret key button.
- Copy the API key to be used in this tutorial
Create a new folder and open it with a code editor
Create a new folder and name it text_summarizer
then open it with a code editor like VS Code.
Create a virtual environment and activate it
Open the terminal. Use the following command to create a virtual environment .venv
and activate it:
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Install requirements
We will need to install reflex
to build the app and also openai tiktoken chromadb langchain
to generate the text summaries
Run the following command in the terminal:
pip install reflex==0.2.9 openai==0.28.1 tiktoken==0.5.1 chromadb langchain==0.0.316
reflex setup
Now, we need to create the project using reflex. Run the following command to initialize the template app in text_summarizer
reflex init
The above command will create the following file structure in text_summarizer
You can run the app using the following command in your terminal to see a welcome page when you go to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser
reflex run
We need to build the structure and interface of the app and add components. Go to the text_summarizer
subdirectory and open the
file. This is where we will add components to build the structure and interface of the app. Add the following code to it:
import reflex as rx
# import State and style
from text_summarizer.state import State
from text_summarizer import style
def full_text() -> rx.Component:
"""return a vertical component of heading and text_area."""
return rx.vstack(
rx.heading("Text Summarizer",style=style.topic_style),
placeholder="Enter your full text here",
def openai_key_input() -> rx.Component:
"""return a password component"""
return rx.password(
placeholder="Enter your openai key",
def submit_button() -> rx.Component:
"""return a button."""
return rx.button(
"Summarize text",
def summary_output() -> rx.Component:
"""return summary."""
rx.text(State.summary, text_align="center"),
def index() -> rx.Component:
"""return a full_text, openai_key_input, submit_button, summary_output respectively."""
return rx.container(
# Add state and page to the app.
app = rx.App(
The above code will render a text and the text area input, password input to enter your openai key, a submit button, and a box to show the summary
Create a new file
in the text_summarizer
subdirectory and add the following code:
import reflex as rx
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.chains.summarize import load_summarize_chain
from langchain.docstore.document import Document
class State(rx.State):
# The current large text to be summarized.
large_text: str
# openai key
openai_api_key: str
# the result
summary: str
is_loading: bool = False
loading_text: str = ""
def start_process(self):
"""Set state variables and summarize method."""
self.is_loading = True
self.loading_text = "generating summary...."
return State.summarize
def summarize(self):
llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0, model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo-16k", streaming=True, openai_api_key=self.openai_api_key)
docs = [Document(page_content=t) for t in self.large_text]
# use load_summarize_chain to summarize the full text and return self.summary to frontend
chain = load_summarize_chain(llm, chain_type="stuff")
self.summary =
# reset state variable again
self.is_loading = False
self.loading_text = ""
The above code uses load_summarize_chain
with chain_type of "stuff" to generate the summary and send it to the front end. When the user clicks the "Summarize text" button, it triggers and calls the start_process
method. start_process
method assigns the is_loading
argument of "Summarize text" button to True
so that the button can start spinning with the text "generating summary...." to show that the app is generating the summary. start_process
method then calls summarize
method to generate the summary with the help of openai llm "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k" and yield the result or summary to the frontend. It then changes the is_loading
argument of the button to False
and loading_text
to an empty string so as to return the button to its initial state.
Create a new file
in the text_summarizer
subdirectory and add the following code. This will add styling to the page and components:
style = {
"background-color": "#454545",
"font_family": "Comic Sans MS",
"font_size": "16px",
topic_style = {
"color": "white",
"font_family": "Comic Sans MS",
"font_size": "3em",
"font_weight": "bold",
"box_shadow": "rgba(240, 46, 170, 0.4) 5px 5px, rgba(240, 46, 170, 0.3) 10px 10px",
"margin-bottom": "3rem",
textarea_style = {
"color": "white",
"width": "150%",
"height": "20em",
openai_input_style = {
"color": "white",
"margin-top": "2rem",
"margin-bottom": "1rem",
submit_button_style = {
"margin-left": "30%",
summary_style = {
"color": "white",
"margin-top": "2rem",
You can add the .venv directory to the .gitignore file to get the following:
Run app
Run the following in the terminal to start the app:
reflex run
You should see an interface as follows when you go to http://localhost:3000/
You can input the text that you want to be summarized. Also, enter your openai API key and then click the button to get your summarized text.
Reflex is awesome and a game-changer. You should try it out. You can get the code:
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