for different kinds of informations.
How to setup a streaming multimedia server (internet radio station)
This is for slackel linux.
Same settings can be used in any linux distribution. You have to install icecast, mpd and gmpc (optional) in your linux distribution.
what is Icecast
Icecast is free server software for streaming multimedia. Icecast, is a program that streams audio data to listeners.
what is mpd
mpd is a music player daemon - a daemon for playing music
what is gmpc
Gnome Music Player Client (gmpc) is a gui front-end for mpd
Let begin:
- Obtain a dns domain
"Obtain a DNS domain" and create one with a dynamic dns provider (e.g. )
Port forward tcp, udp port 8000 using your router interface
i hope you know how to do this. e.g. if your laptop has internal ip for example you have to set router port forwarding to 8000 port so users can reach you from outside to internal ip
Getting and Installing icecast mpd and its gui front-end gmpc
sudo slapt-get -u sudo slapt-get -i icecast mpd gmpc
Setting up icecast config file
Open file /etc/icecast.xml and change some settings:
<source-password>hackme</source-password> to whatever you like
<relay-password>hackme</relay-password> to whatever you like
<admin-user>admin</admin-user> to whatever you like
<admin-password>hackme</admin-password> to whatever you like
<shoutcast-mount>/live</shoutcast-mount> to whatever you like, if it is not set then default /stream will be used e.g. set it to live
<hostname>localhost</hostname> to your dynamic domain name e.g.
<!-- add this if you want your station listing on icecast directory, so people all over the world can find you -->
Save file /etc/icecast.xml
- prepare your mp3 files directory
put your mp3 files under a directory e.g. ~/Desktop/mp3
create your .mpdconf
a file ~/.mpdconf will be created in your home directory
Edit this file and change it as follows
music_directory "~/Desktop/mp3" playlist_directory "~/.mpd/playlists" log_file "~/.mpd/log" pid_file "~/.mpd/pid" state_file "~/.mpd/state" bind_to_address "localhost" port "6600" input { plugin "curl" } audio_output { type "shout" encoding "mp3" # optional name "Ariadni Greek Radio" host "localhost" port "8000" mount "/live" # same as above in icecast.xml password "hackme" # password_same_as icecast_server_password_above" bitrate "128" format "44100:16:2" description "Watever you like e.g Rock" # optional url "" # optional but same as above in icecast.xml genre "your genre e.g. Greek" # optional public "yes" # optional mixer_type "software" # optional } # Need this so that mpd still works if icecast is not running audio_output { type "alsa" name "fake out" driver "null" mixer_type "software" } # Character Encoding # If file or directory names do not display correctly for your locale then you # may need to modify this setting. # filesystem_charset "UTF-8" # # This setting controls the encoding that ID3v1 tags should be converted from. # id3v1_encoding "ISO-8859-1" #
create a playlist
find ~/Desktop/mp3/*.mp3 > ~/.mpd/playlists/myplaylist.m3u
run icecast and mpd
sudo icecast -c /etc/icecast.xml -b mpd ~/.mpdconf
run gmpc from menus and stop or play the songs you like.
check "Repeat mode" and "Random mode" under Control menu
can create a file ~/ including the lines
sudo icecast -c /etc/icecast.xml -b
mpd ~/.mpdconf
and run it to not have to type again every time want to run your media server. Just type
sh ~/
You and your listeners can listen to your internet radio by typing in a browser or vlc or clementine or smplayer the url
In site the ariadni radio has been set up as above and streaming from my laptop.
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