for different kinds of informations.
Odin for Alchemists
Elixir has the concept of modules. Which can be inside a single file or can be subdivided in multiple files. Directories are not important for the compiler since all the modules will only differentiate by their name My.Module
- module_1.ex
- module_2.ex
- module_3_and_4.ex
In Odin we have the concept of packages
. A package
is a directory that contains different files. Directories are important to Odin
. Package names must be unique and be a valid identifier. Example My_Package
- file1.odin
- file2.odin
Is like the compiler concatenates all the files in a single file for a package.
Similar to this:
$ cat cat/paws.odin cat/meows.odin > cat/amalgamated_package.odin
All the files in the same package will share the package name in the file.
:package Cat
. -
:package Cat
For using the public procedures, constants, structs, unions from a package we have to import it. Keep in mind that we import the directory as a whole and not a single file.
import "lib/cat"
We can make an alias
by using another name before the route.
import Cat "../cat"
Aliases are needed if your package has an invalid identifier. For example if you store a library inside a version number.
- mylib.odin
If we would like to import it we need an alias
import mylib "0.4"
Odin has the concept of collections
that are predefined paths that can be used in imports.
The most common collection that contains useful libraries from Odin core likefmt
You can define your own collection at build time
The following will define the collection project
and put the path at the current directory.
$ odin run . -collection:project=.
Public by Default
Odin Exported Names are public by default (anything you declare in a file is public and can be accesed by other packages). If you don't want to export something you have to use @(private)
before declaration.
my_variable: int // cannot be accessed outside this package
is equivalent to @(private="package")
You can make the declarations private by file, only available within the file where was declared.
my_variable: int // cannot be accessed outside this file
Another option is using the #+private
or #+private file
general attributes before the package name. That makes all the file private by default and only available to the package itself.
package Package1
// This procedure will only be available to the package
// impossible to make it public unless is stored in another file
// without the #+private directive
private_proc :: proc() -> int {
return 42
By using this alternative we can have a file that is only for storing private procedures and other data structures.
Being private by default is a benefit because it requires you to explicitly expose things to be part of your libraries API, improving the organization of your package.
- api.odin
- api.priv.odin
We can store all the private declarations in a single private file and not clutter with @(private)
in every symbol.
"this": "is my map",
"answer": 42
In Odin we have to be more specific with types. If we would like multiple types we may think is a good idea to use any
map[string]any {
"this" = "is my map",
"answer" = 42,
This is just an example use of any
type. Literally the use of any
is dangerous. Is best to never use it unless you know EXACTLY how it works. The type any
is just a pointer and a typeid
. When you assign a value to an any
you are in fact taking the address of the value. This means if you make a pointer to a variable inside a procedure, this will crash the program if you use it outside the procedure.
insert_values := proc(m: ^map[string]any) {
a := "hello"
b := 42
m["a"] = a
m["b"] = b
main :: proc() {
m := make(map[string]any)
defer delete(m)
insert_values(&m)["a"], m["b"]) // crashes here
In Elixir we can create a struct like this:
defmodule MyStruct do
defstruct [:name, :email]
def new(name, email) do
%MyStruct{name: name, email: email}
end"Camilo", "[email protected]")
|> IO.inspect
In Odin we can use the following
package Project
import "core:fmt"
MyStruct :: struct {
name : string,
email : string,
main :: proc() {
fmt.println(MyStruct{name = "Camilo", email = "[email protected]"})
So how we can make a map that takes both int
s and string
s without the use of any
. For more specific type validation Odin has Unions.
A union in Odin is a discriminated union, also known as a tagged union or sum type. The zero value of a union is nil.
AvailableMapValueTypes :: union {
map[string]AvailableMapValueTypes {
"this" = "is my map",
"answer" = 42,
We can make it a little bit shorter. Also ensure that we manage the memory allocated with maps.
mymap := map[string](union{int, string}) {
"this" = "is my map",
"answer" = 42,
defer delete(mymap)
In memory, Unions are just a special variant of Structs.
struct {
payload: [size_of(Largest_Variant_Type)]byte,
tag: byte,
They store exactly one of their possibly variants at any given moment, and the tag is used to know which one is currently being stored at any given moment. They can also be empty, in which case the tag == 0
, and the_union_value == nil.
["1", 2]
In Odin we have to be more strict with the types.
Array of strings
[]string{"1", "2"}
Can also be added dynamic
to be more explicit. Be careful because comparations will notice the type difference between []
and [dynamic]
. Normally [dynamic]
are called slices
[dynamic]string{"1", "2"}
Array of numbers
[]int{1, 2}
List of items
[]any{"1", 2}
Fixed size list of items
[2]any{"1", 2}
Automatic fixed size list of items
This will calculate and replace ?
with 2
at compilation time.
[?]any{"1", 2}
// same as [2]any{"1", 2}
Array Programming
Odinโs fixed length arrays support array programming.
Vector3 :: [3]f32
a := Vector3{1, 4, 9}
b := Vector3{2, 4, 8}
c := a + b // {3, 8, 17}
d := a * b // {2, 16, 72}
e := c != d // true
In Elixir we use
# [2, 3, 4][1, 2, 3], fn x -> x + 1 end)
In Odin we use slice.mapper
// [2, 3, 4]
slice.mapper([]int{1, 2, 3}, proc(element : int) -> int {
return element + 1
In Elixir we use Enum.filter
# [2]
Enum.filter([1, 2, 3], fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 0 end)
In Odin we use slice.filter
slice.filter([]int{1, 2, 3}, proc(element : int) -> bool {
return element % 2 == 0
In Elixir we use Enum.reduce
# 24
Enum.reduce([1, 2, 3, 4], fn x, acc -> x * acc end)
In Odin we use slice.reduce
slice.reduce([]int{1, 2, 3, 4}, 1, proc(accumulator: int, element : int) -> int {
return element * accumulator
About Map, Reduce, Filter and other "functional" like procedures
Keep in mind that procedures like map
, filter
and reduce
are super handy and work superb with functional languages such as Elixir. In procedural languages, and specially in system level languages such as Odin, they need to be picked like a grain of salt.
Consider the procedural approach when traversing an array. Maybe it would make more sense to the reader.
items := []string{"one", "two"}
for item in items {
if item != "two" { continue }
When it comes to real code, though, don't overcomplicate it. Odin doesn't play well with typical functional approaches to problems, nor does it intend to, so try not to lean too heavily on them. Also, as a point of design, if you feel friction, it's Odin telling you "No".
Let procedural languages be procedural languages. And let functional languages be functional languages. Stop trying to force incompatible ideas into the other paradigm.
--- GingerBill
// Detect dark theme var iframe = document.getElementById('tweet-1856080709821124817-72'); if (document.body.className.includes('dark-theme')) { iframe.src = "" }
String concatenation
"My String" <> " is good"
My String is good
import "core:strings"
// items := []string{"My String", " is good"}
// strings.concatenate(items)
strings.concatenate({"My String", " is good"})
// Odin can infer the argument type
My String is good
String interpolation
"Hello this is 4 + 2 = #{4 + 2}"
Hello this is 4 + 2 = 6
In Odin we currently don't have string interpolation. But we can use the sprintf
C style using fmt.tprintf procedure.
import "core:fmt"
fmt.tprintf("Hello this is 4 + 2 = %d", 4 + 2)
Hello this is 4 + 2 = 6
If you call fmt.tprintf
without using the result, the compiler will be mad with Error: 'fmt.tprintf' requires that its results must be handled
This means we must handle the result in someway.
// Do nothing with the result
_ = fmt.tprintf("Hello this is 4 + 2 = %d", 4 + 2)
// Store it in a variable
result = fmt.tprintf("Hello this is 4 + 2 = %d", 4 + 2)
// Wrap in a procedure that does not throws error
my_print :: proc() -> string {
return fmt.tprintf("Hello this is 4 + 2 = %d", 4 + 2)
// print the result string
fmt.println(fmt.tprintf("Hello this is 4 + 2 = %d", 4 + 2))
So called interpolated strings are really just expressions in disguise, consisting of string concatenation of the various parts of the string content, alternating string literal fragments with interpolated subexpressions converted to string values.
The interpolated string
"Hello #{name}!"
is equivalent to
concatenate(concatenate("Hello", to_string(name)) , "!")
Function Overloading
Let's say you need a count procedure that you pass a list and returns "numbers" or "words" depending on the input type.
This is the example code in Elixir to achieve this.
defmodule Counter do
def count([first | _rest] = items) when is_number(first), do: "#{Enum.count(items)} numbers"
def count(items), do: "#{Enum.count(items)} words"
Counter.count([1, 2, 3])
|> IO.inspect
Counter.count(["one", "two", "three"])
|> IO.inspect
"3 numbers"
"3 words"
In Odin we have Explicit Procedure Overloading. The design goals of Odin were explicitness and simplicity.
// odin run counter.odin -file
package Counter
import "core:fmt"
count_numbers :: proc(items: []int) -> string {
return fmt.tprintf("%d numbers", len(items))
count_words :: proc(items: []string) -> string {
return fmt.tprintf("%d words", len(items))
// Explicit Procedure Overloading
// Notice this is a procedure without parenthesis after `proc`
count :: proc {
main :: proc() {
numbers := []int{1, 2, 3}
words := []string{"one", "two", "three"}
"3 numbers"
"3 words"
Explicit overloading has many advantages:
- Explicitness of what is overloaded
- Able to refer to the specific procedure if needed
- Clear which scope the entity name belongs to
- Ability to specialize parametric polymorphic procedures if necessary, which have the same parameter but different bounds (see where clauses, where clauses are similar to Elixir Guards)
Anonymous Functions
In Elixir we can use Anonymous Functions, also called Lambdas
or Fat Arrow functions
in other programming languages.
add = fn a, b -> a + b end
add.(1, 2)
In Odin we store a procedure pointer
and pass it around. Odin can define procedures within procedures.
subtract :: proc(a: int, b: int) -> int {
return a - b
main :: proc() {
add := proc(a: int, b: int) -> int {
return a + b
subtract_pointer := subtract
subtract_pointer(6,add(1, 2))
Named Arguments
In Elixir we use Keyword lists to have named arguments
defmodule Hello do
def get([name: name, shows: shows]) do
IO.inspect shows, label: name
Hello.get(name: "Camilo", shows: 2)
Camilo: 2
In Odin is supported named arguments.
hello := proc(name: string, shows: int) {
fmt.printfln("%s: %d", name, shows)
hello(name = "Camilo", shows = 2)
Camilo: 2
Parametric polymorphism
In Elixir since you can pass any type as param (unless properly restricted and pattern matched), there is inherent parametric polymorphism.
Commonly referred to as โgenericsโ, allow the user to create a procedure or data that can be written generically so it can handle values in the same manner.
Let's do a little exercise trying to implement filter
and map
for slices. These are already implemented in the core at slice.filter and slice.mapper.
The following code is just an example of parametric polymorphism. A better implementation is available with slice.filter
and slice.mapper
The idea is to have a type definition with $
that can be used instead of a specific type like string
. Normally is defined as $T
, but can be named anything like $MyGenericType
. Once is defined it can be used for any other param or declaration in the procedure scope. You can reuse a type in multiple places as a way of saying that they're the same.
Filters the enumerable
, i.e. returns only those elements for which proc
returns a truthy value.
filter :: proc(enumerable: []$T, callback: proc(element: T) -> bool) -> [dynamic]T {
results : [dynamic]T
for item in enumerable {
if (callback(item)) {
append(&results, item)
return results
Notice how we can pass proc
as parameters. It's the full declaration, but without its implementation.
callback: proc(element: T) -> bool
string slice
items := []string{"one", "two"}
filtered := filter(items, proc (element: string) -> bool {
return element == "two"
// ["two"]
int slice
filtered_int := filter([]int{1, 2, 3}, proc (element: int) -> bool {
return element == 2
// [2]
map (mapper)
Returns a slice where each element is the result of invoking proc
on each corresponding element of enumerable
mapper :: proc(enumerable: []$T, callback: proc(element: T) -> T) -> [dynamic]T {
results : [dynamic]T
for item in enumerable {
append(&results, callback(item))
return results
string slice
items := []string{"one", "two"}
mapped := mapper(items, proc(element: string) -> string {
if element == "one" {
return "three"
return "four"
// ["three", "four"]
int slice
items := []int{1, 2, 3}
mapped_int := mapper(items, proc(element: int) -> int {
if element == 1 {
return 2
return 4
// [2, 4, 4]
Error Handling
In Elixir we can handle errors by returning a tuple {:error, reason}
and {:ok, result}
if the result is ok. Also we can have exceptions (try, catch, rescue).
defmodule PositiveSum do
def sum(a, b) when is_number(a) and is_number(b) do
case (a + b) do
result when result > 0 -> {:ok, result}
result when result < 0 -> {:error, "Only positive results allowed"}
_ -> {:error, "Zero is neither positive or negative"}
PositiveSum.sum(1, 2)
|> IO.inspect
PositiveSum.sum(1, -4)
|> IO.inspect
PositiveSum.sum(0, 0)
|> IO.inspect
try do
PositiveSum.sum(1, "b")
_error -> {:error,"Params are not numbers"}
|> IO.inspect
{:ok, 3}
{:error, "Only positive results allowed"}
{:error, "Zero is neither positive or negative"}
{:error, "Params are not numbers"}
In Odin we can handle the errors using different strategies by returning multiple results from a procedure. Since Odin is a typed language, is a lot harder to send wrong typed params to a procedure. It won't compile.
Strategy 1: ok
The first strategy is to return a bool
at the last return parameter. This strategy will only give a ok
or !ok
sum := proc(a : int, b : int) -> (result: int, ok: bool) {
result = a + b
if result > 0 {
return result, true
if result < 0 {
return result, false
return result, false
fmt.println(sum(1, 2)) // 3, true
fmt.println(sum(1, -4)) // -3, false
fmt.println(sum(0, 0)) // 0, false
fmt.println(sum(0, "b")) // won't compile
But if we use the result, we would need to store it in several variables. Or we would get a compilation error similar to: Error: Assignment count mismatch '1' = '2'
result := sum(1, -4) // Won' compile.
This means we must store the success
) status somewhere.
// -3, false
result, ok := sum(1, -4)
if !ok {
fmt.printfln("%d, %s", result, "There were problems in the Sum")
We could ommit the variable using the special _
character (rune).
// -3, false
result, _ := sum(1, -4)
fmt.printfln("%d", result)
We can add #optional_ok
tag to the procedure declaration so we can omit the final boolean.
requires exactly 2
return params. Only accepts the last param as a boolean.
sum := proc(a : int, b : int) -> (result: int, ok: bool) #optional_ok {...}
// -3, false
result := sum(1, -4)
fmt.printfln("%d", result)
There is also the #optional_allocation_error
that can be used instead of #optional_ok
and its meant for procedures that could return an allocation error.
Strategy 2: Error messages
We can return the message. However there is no way to tag the declaration to be optional the same way a boolean can.
sum :: proc(a : int, b : int) -> (result: int, err: string) {
result = a + b
if result > 0 {
return result, ""
if result < 0 {
return result, "Only positive results allowed"
return result, "Zero is neither positive or negative"
result, err := sum(5, -6)
if err != "" {
fmt.printfln("%d, %s", result, err)
Strategy 3: Int returns
This can be used when dealing with C libraries or system processes that returns a number to indicate status. We have to combine them with arrays or enums so we can have an error message.
error_strings := [?]string{
"Only positive results allowed",
"Zero is neither positive or negative"
sum :: proc(a : int, b : int) -> (result: int, err: int) {
result = a + b
if result > 0 {
return result, 0
if result < 0 {
return result, 1
return result, 2
result, status := sum(5, -6)
fmt.printfln("%d, %s", result, error_strings[status])
Strategy 4: Enum Errors
This strategy provides a little more standarization of error codes and messages, by using enum
. In the following code we use a procedure to return the message for the enum
PositiveSumError :: enum {
positive_sum_error_message :: proc(err : PositiveSumError) -> (message: string) {
switch err {
case .None:
message = ""
case .Negative_Result:
message = "Only positive results allowed"
case .Zero_Result:
message = "Zero is neither positive or negative"
return message
sum :: proc(a : int, b : int) -> (result: int, err: PositiveSumError) {
result = a + b
if result > 0 {
return result, .None
if result < 0 {
return result, .Negative_Result
return result, .Zero_Result
result, status := sum(5, -6)
fmt.printfln("%d, %v", result, positive_sum_error_message(status))
This can also be simplified to
PositiveSumError :: enum {
// usage: error_strings[.Negative_Result]
error_strings := [PositiveSumError]string{
.None = "ok",
.Negative_Result = "Only positive results allowed",
.Zero_Result = "Zero is neither positive or negative"
You can use unions
to join different enums
. We can see an example in net/common.odin
General_Error :: enum u32 {
None = 0,
Unable_To_Enumerate_Network_Interfaces = 1,
DNS_Error :: enum u32 {
Invalid_Hostname_Error = 1,
Network_Error :: union #shared_nil {
// ... //
Strategy 5: Struct Errors
In this strategy we use structs
to save the message. Optionally we combine it with enums
for easier comparison later.
PositiveSumErrorCode :: enum {
PositiveSumError :: struct {
message: string,
code : PositiveSumErrorCode,
sum :: proc(a : int, b : int) -> (result: int, err: PositiveSumError) {
result = a + b
if result > 0 {
return result, PositiveSumError{code = .None}
if result < 0 {
return result, PositiveSumError{
message = "Only positive results allowed",
code = .Negative_Result,
return result, PositiveSumError{
message = "Zero is neither positive or negative",
code = .Zero_Result,
result, err := sum(5, 6)
fmt.printfln("%d, %s", result, err.message)
Strategy 6: Struct + Ok
In this strategy we combine both the struct
errors and ok
boolean. This is the most similar to Elixir and other programming languages that uses exceptions
PositiveSumErrorCode :: enum {
PositiveSumError :: struct {
message: string,
code : PositiveSumErrorCode,
PositiveSumResult :: struct {
value : int,
error : PositiveSumError,
sum :: proc(a : int, b : int) -> (result: PositiveSumResult, ok : bool) #optional_ok {
value := a + b
if value > 0 {
return PositiveSumResult{
value = value,
error = PositiveSumError{code = .None},
}, true
if value < 0 {
return PositiveSumResult{
value = value,
error = PositiveSumError{
message = "Only positive results allowed",
code = .Negative_Result,
}, false
return PositiveSumResult{
value = value,
error = PositiveSumError{
message = "Zero is neither positive or negative",
code = .Zero_Result,
}, false
result, ok := sum(5, -6)
// -1, Only positive results allowed, ok? false
fmt.printfln("%d, %s, ok? %v", result.value, result.error.message, ok)
Final thoughts
It is OK to make stuff just for the sake of it, to explore how stuff works. Just be careful not to overcomplicate things.
Thanks to Odin forum members Barinzaya
, Tetralux
, Vicix
, Jesse
and GingerBill
for the guidance and corrections.
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