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Building a Stellar Wallet App with Python : The Backstory

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Building a Stellar Wallet App with Python : The Backstory

This is a submission for the Build Better on Stellar: Smart Contract Challenge : Create a Tutorial

This article is not the tutorial, but the back story behind it for the hackathon submission. To read the tutorial, please go to this link: Stellar + Python: The Ultimate Duo for a Payment App (Absolute Beginner's Guide)

The Tutorial

You can view the tutorial on building a payment application using Stellar and Python here:

Here's an short outline of the article:

What I Created

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This project is a simple Stellar Wallet Application built using Python. By focusing on Stellar Integration other than the GUI, this application is built with some simple lines of code.

The app allows users to generate key pairs, create accounts, check balances, and send payments—all within a minimalistic interface.

The tutorial, despite being somewhat long, is simple and easy to follow along. From code samples to language, everything is simplified for the sake of beginner developers. The code is kept clean and well-commented, and it's available on GitHub - Python-Projects / Stellar_wallet.py

What I love the most about this tutorial is— it's my first tutorial integrating doodles drawn by me!

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Let me be honest:
I didn't know anything about Stellar at first. I have never worked with it either. To be hundred-percent honest - I don't know much about Cryptocurrency other than the fact that "it's a currency".

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But that's fine, it must have been the chance for me to finally learn about these things. Besides, I rarely participate in hackathons so if I participate in this challenge, I would learn about Stellar and I would also get the experience of participating in a hackathon. Win-win!

Learning about Stellar and other related things took no more than a day or two, and then I started going through Stellar documentation and building the program. And finally, here I am, writing the tutorial!

About the doodles - It took a while to think about how to make this long tutorial interesting. I am not a fan of long tutorials but what if... I insert some fun images. Or better yet, doodles?

I'm terrible at drawing, but I tried my best to doodle some characters (including me) so I could make the tutorial not boring to read.
(Looking back at my childhood drawings, I'm a bit proud of myself.)

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Next Steps

As you can see, the application built is the most basic version of a Stellar wallet app. Whenever I find time, I'm hoping to improve this application, from UI to functions. Who knows, Producthunt might have a new application using Stellar soon!

Happy Pythoneering!

Special Thanks:

To @thepracticaldev staff and @stellar for the amazing hackathon, I would never get my hands on dApps or blockchain otherwise.

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