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npx create-react-app error
Today, I want make a react app with react cli:
npx create-react-app react-dapp
Suddenly, this error comes:
You are running `create-react-app` 4.0.3, which is behind the latest release (5.0.0).
We no longer support the global installation of Create React App.
Please remove any global installs with one of the following commands:
- npm uninstall -g create-react-app
- yarn global remove create-react-app
The latest instructions for creating a new app can be found here:
After some googling, several solutions appeared.
Solution 00
If you want to reinstall the create-react-app globally
npm install -g create-react-app@latest
OR, if you already know which package version you’ll need to install
for example, create-react-app version
npm install -g [email protected]
If you want to reinstall the create-react-app on the designated folder,
go to the folder, open terminal, type:
npx create-react-app@latest {project name} --use-npm
In most cases, the above solution didn't always straight working.
Try some of the options below:
Solution 1
try to uninstall and reinstall it first.
npm uninstall -g create-react-app
Solution 2
If you run this in an older create-react-app version, try this to clear the npx cache:
npx clear-npx-cache
Solution 3
if you got the error:
sh: 1: node: Permission denied
on the root folder, you can type:
npm config set user 0 npm config set unsafe-perm true
Lastly, if you have broken npm/ yarn packages, go to the main folder and try to remove node_modules.
For me, as I’m using Linux I just pressed
ctrl + alt + t
and typed:
sudo rm -rf node_modules
After that run this command if you are using yarn
yarn install
If you are using npm run this command
npm install
And check the solutions above, try from up to bottom.
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