for different kinds of informations.
Server in Axum
I spent some time over the last 3 days working on a server for a web application I dreamed up some time ago.
I am primarily using the Axum and SQLx crates to implement this project, but I am also relying on the reqwest and serde crates to populate the database and serialize/deserialize JSON respectively.
All of these crates work remarkably well out of the box and all of the issues I ran into were syntactic in nature.
I have written several GET, POST and DELETE routes which will be helpful when I build out the frontend with async methods. (I had started on the frontend some weeks ago. It is written in Yew which is a React-like crate for Rust, and it currently just displays some custom structs in the browser -- with no CSS involved.)
The next step on the backend is to implement User Authorization and a way to issue user tokens.
Any tips on anything I have covered or on the development lifecycle in general would be much appreciated.
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