for different kinds of informations.
The Guide Of Using :: and -> for Accesing Methods Properly
In PHP, :: is the Paamayim Nekudotayim (Hebrew for "double dots") operator, commonly referred to as the scope resolution operator. It serves several purposes related to classes and their members:
- Accessing Static Members:
- It's used to access static properties and methods of a class. Static members belong to the class itself, not to specific instances (objects) of the class.
class MyClass {
public static $myStaticProperty = "Hello";
public static function myStaticMethod() {
echo "World";
echo MyClass::$myStaticProperty; // Output: Hello
MyClass::myStaticMethod(); // Output: World
2. Accessing Constants:
* It's used to access class constants, which are values that cannot be changed after they are defined.
class MyClass {
const MY_CONSTANT = 123;
echo MyClass::MY_CONSTANT; // Output: 123
- Calling Parent Class Methods:
- Within a class that inherits from another class (parent class), :: can be used with parent to call methods of the parent class. This is often used to extend or override parent class behavior.
class ParentClass {
public function myMethod() {
echo "Parent";
class ChildClass extends ParentClass {
public function myMethod() {
parent::myMethod(); // Call the parent's myMethod()
echo "Child";
$child = new ChildClass();
$child->myMethod(); // Output: ParentChild
- Accessing Overridden Methods:
- Similarly, :: can be used with self to call the current class's method, even if it has been overridden in a child class.
class ParentClass {
public function myMethod() {
echo "Parent";
class ChildClass extends ParentClass {
public function myMethod() {
echo "Child";
public function callParentMethod() {
self::myMethod(); // Call the ChildClass's myMethod()
$child = new ChildClass();
$child->callParentMethod(); // Output: Child
Key Differences from ->:
- :: is used for static members, constants, and accessing parent/self methods.
- -> (object operator) is used to access instance members (properties and methods) of an object. In summary, :: is a crucial operator in PHP for working with classes, providing access to static members, constants, and enabling inheritance-related functionalities.
difference between :: and -> for accessing methods
The core difference between :: and -> in PHP when accessing methods boils down to this:
- :: (Scope Resolution Operator): Used for static methods and for accessing methods within the context of a class itself (e.g., calling parent methods).
- -> (Object Operator): Used for instance methods, meaning methods that operate on a specific object of a class.
Here's a breakdown to clarify:
- Static Methods (::)
- Static methods belong to the class itself, not to any specific object created from the class.
- They are called using the class name followed by :: and the method name.
- Static methods cannot directly access instance properties (non-static properties) of the class.
class MathUtils {
public static function add($a, $b) {
return $a + $b;
$sum = MathUtils::add(5, 3); // Calling a static method
echo $sum; // Output: 8
- Instance Methods (->)
- Instance methods operate on specific objects of a class.
- They are called using an object of the class, followed by -> and the method name.
- Instance methods can access both instance properties and static properties of the class.
class Dog {
public $name;
public function __construct($name) {
$this->name = $name;
public function bark() {
echo "Woof! My name is " . $this->name;
$myDog = new Dog("Buddy"); // Creating an object
$myDog->bark(); // Calling an instance method
// Output: Woof! My name is Buddy
- Calling Parent Methods (::)
- Within a child class that inherits from a parent class, you use :: with parent to call a method of the parent class. This is essential for extending or overriding parent class behavior.
class Animal {
public function makeSound() {
echo "Generic animal sound";
class Cat extends Animal {
public function makeSound() {
parent::makeSound(); // Call the parent's makeSound()
echo ", Meow!";
$myCat = new Cat();
// Output: Generic animal sound, Meow!
In summary:
- If you're calling a method that is associated with the class itself (static) or need to access a parent class's method, use ::.
- If you're calling a method that operates on a specific object of a class, use ->. This distinction is fundamental to object-oriented programming in PHP and helps maintain proper encapsulation and codeĀ organization.
In PHP, it's technically possible to call a static method using the object operator ->, even though the scope resolution operator :: is the conventional and recommended way.
Here's an example to illustrate this:
class MyClass {
public static function myStaticMethod() {
echo "This is a static method.";
$obj = new MyClass();
$obj->myStaticMethod(); // Calling static method with ->
// Output: This is a static method.
Why does this work?
PHP allows this for backward compatibility and due to its dynamic nature. When you use -> on an object, PHP first checks if the method is an instance method. If it's not found, it then checks if it's a static method of the class.
However, this is generally considered bad practice.
Here's why:
- Clarity and Readability: Using :: clearly indicates that you're calling a static method, making your code easier to understand and maintain. Using -> for a static method can be confusing for other developers (and even for yourself later on).
- Intent: Static methods are designed to be associated with the class itself, not with specific objects. Using :: reinforces this intent.
- Potential for Confusion: If you later change the static method to an instance method, code that uses -> will still work, but the behavior might not be what you expect. Strict Standards Notice: In some PHP versions and with certain error reporting levels, calling a static method with -> might generate an E_STRICT notice. This is a warning that indicates you're using a feature in a way that is not recommended. In summary: While PHP allows you to call static methods with ->, it's strongly advised to use :: for static methods to maintain code clarity, express the correct intent, and avoid potential confusion or warnings. Stick to the convention:
- :: for static methods and class constants
- -> for instance methodsĀ andĀ properties
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