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lisp Article's
30 articles in total
Common Lisp HTML templates: using Djula in .lisp files
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Remaking a rule-engine DSL
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Advent of Code: alexandria's map-permutations was perfect for day 08. Common Lisp tip.
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C and C++ are really so fast?
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Scheming About Clojure
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FTP and SFTP clients for Common Lisp
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Common Lisp with batteries included: CIEL v0.2 (aka fast scripting with useful libraries)
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A shell script that I usually run after installing SBCL
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Common Lisp VS Haskell
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Debugging Common Lisp: "Iย feel so much faster and free"
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Learning Lisp - making sense of xrefs in SLIME
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Learning Lisp
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Common Lisp's groupBy is Serapeum:assort
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Common Lisp VS C: a testimony
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Lisp: simplifying my problems through code
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Python VS Common Lisp applied: print, log and icecream
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Lisp-style list in Rust
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RainLisp on .NET
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Is Elixir or Common Lisp the best language for building a bootstrapped B2B SaaS in 2024?
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Form validation in Common Lisp
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Common Lisp GUI with Electron ยท quick how to
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Throttle/debounce a Common Lisp function
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OOP via FP : functional nature of classes and objects
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5 ways to get text from an Emacs buffer
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Configuring Neovim with Fennel
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Coding in the Shadows: Hidden Gems of Lisp, Clojure, and Friends
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Emacs is More Like a Terminal Than an Editor
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Do you need an IDE to write Common Lisp?
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Entendendo Algoritmos - Cap.5 Quicksort em Clojure
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The unreasonable effectiveness of working with a live programming image
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