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jpa Article's
30 articles in total
Learn Spring Data JPA, Part - 1
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Spring Data JPA: Speed Up Development & Business Focus
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Unidirectional associations for one-to-many
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Understanding Database Connection Management in Spring Boot with Hibernate and Spring Data JPA
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Como eu reduzi em até 99% o tempo de resposta da minha API
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🐾 Hibernate Zoo: Путеводитель по языкам запросов в мире данных 🐾
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How To Fetch Data By Using DTO Projection In Spring Data JPA
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Relationships in JPA: Creating Entities Without Dependency
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Spring Data JPA Stream Query Methods
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Differences between JpaRepository and CrudRepository and when you need to chose each
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Understanding JPA Pessimistic Locking vs. Serializable Isolation in Transactions
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Uma breve introdução ao Hibernate
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Connecting Spring Boot Applications to a Database with Spring Data JPA
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Working with Spring Data JPA: CRUD Operations and Beyond
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The Importance of Using Interfaces for JpaRepository(Java Persistence API) in Spring Data JPA
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GitHub Mastery: Creating Repositories and Managing PRs with Ease
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Spring Boot Common Sense: Part 2 Crafting Effective JPA Entities for Robust Data Models
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Applying JSON Patch to Entity in a Spring Boot Application: A Practical Guide
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Entendendo @MappedSuperclass em JPA
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Como iniciar um aplicativo Spring Boot + JPA + MySQL
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Understanding JPA Mappings in Spring Boot: One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-One, and Many-to-Many Relationships
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Configurando o Spring com JPA e Microsoft SQL Server
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Java Hibernate vs JPA: Rapid review for you
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Database Integration with Spring Boot : Best Practices and Tools
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what is JPA? explain few configurations
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Introducing Stalactite ORM
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How to deal with N+1 problems with Hibernate
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Jakarta Persistence API (JPA) example application: Northwind sample database
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spring JPA entities: cheat sheet
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Java Hibernate vs JPA: Quick Review
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