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eventstorming Article's
18 articles in total
De software legacy a oportunitat estratègica: El punt de partida (I)
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Heroes of DDD: Software Developer == business partner?
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Heroes of DDD: BEHAVING perspective. What do I do?
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Heroes of DDD: Prologue & knowledge crunching
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Enhancing Business Logic with PlantUML and EventStorming
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From Chaos to Clarity: Discovering Domain Boundaries using Event Storming
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Modeling your Domain with Event Storming workshop
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Toró de Eventos (a.k.a Event Storming) é realmente tudo isso??
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Event Storming : Modéliser son domaine métier
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Eventstorming - should I use it? Yes!
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Game changers in EventStorming - Pivotal Events
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Modeling software with Post-It's? YES! - Introducing to EventStorming
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Strategic Domain Driven Design
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What I Learnt From Doing Remote Collaborative Modeling For the Past 6 weeks ?
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Start a new project with an Event Sourcing Architecture
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Messy Event Flows: Part 1
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Jessitron & Avdi Attempt Event Storming
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Messy Event Flows: Part 2 - What it should be
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