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dotfiles Article's
30 articles in total
Search and Sync Your Shell History With Atuin
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Using Starship for the Same Prompt, but Faster
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Managing dotfiles using GNU Stow on macOS
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Dotfiles: The Developer Secret to the Perfect Setup
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Organize your Dotfiles - with GNU Stow and Git
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How to define your own custom sub-command to gcloud command
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Yozora: Linux Configurator
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Simplifying Your Git Workflow with Aliases
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Neovim Config: from init.vim to init.lua
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Best dotfiles manager is GIT
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Harnessing The Power of Duti: Command-Line Customization of Default File Opener in MacOS
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How to add a .bashrc equivalent to the windows cmd terminal
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Dut, yet another simple dotfile manager!
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My .dotfiles for MacOS and Ubuntu
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Tech projects at start of 2023
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Dotfiles - My 2022 Way
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Clean your home folder ! discover XDG
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Top 10 trending github repos for CSS developers in this week👽.
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Developing on Windows
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Managing your Dotfiles with Dotter (Tutorial)
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Dotfiles for Arch Linux w/ i3wm
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Personalize your Development Environment with Dotfiles
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A Brief Guide To Manage Dotfiles
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Bash + GNU Stow: take a walk while your new macbook is being set up
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Installing system nerd-fonts with Ansible
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Use Symbolic Links to version control your config files
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Git My Dots! I made a simple dotfiles manager that's based on Git hooks
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Configurando um ambiente Windows para desenvolvimento
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🗃️ Backup your .dotfiles with a simple bash script
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Nix Is Worth the Complexity
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