for different kinds of informations.
corona Article's
30 articles in total
Corona Virus Threat Modelling
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Corona Tracker | Django Project |
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The case of monitoring your internet speed during a pandemic
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Creative Technology in Times of Crisis
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Touch-less Display Interfaces on Edge
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Python plotly bar chart
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ERP CRM Software Manufacturing IT Company.
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Divastra, my corona fighter website.
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Worth of Computer Science
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“Mob programming”, un confort de l'ancien monde?
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Use the corona crisis as an opportunity (from a german perspective)
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Update⚠️: WhatsApp Covid Auto-response bot
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Depois do Café - Episodio 7 - Corona Edition: Trabalhando em Ambientes Internacionais
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COVID-19 Tracker for Panama made in React.js.
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Corona statistics
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COVID-19 Daily Data for Analytics - JSON and CSV
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Another Corona Tracker
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Covid 19 Monitor. NuxtJS + TailwindCss
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Covid Counter
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We vs Virus Hackathon: Giev likez plz!
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We vs Virus Hackathon: Youtube Likes Plz!
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Set up Trainig a Distributed Git Workflow on a Single Computer
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All That Corona Virus Data
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Remote Mob Programming
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Starting the journey of remote work - Day 1
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Starting remote work journey - Day 0
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Corona projects?
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Send notifications from Node.JS
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Detect Corona Virus Spreading With NebulaGraph Database Based on a Real Case
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German Corona warning app GitHub repo got published
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