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Mount Up! A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating and Using Amazon EFS on Ubuntu
Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) provides a simple, scalable, and fully managed Network File System for use with AWS Cloud services and on-premises resources. This guide will walk you through the process of creating an EFS, mounting it on an Ubuntu instance, and adding files to it.
- An AWS account
- An EC2 instance running Ubuntu in the same VPC as your EFS file system
- Proper security group settings to allow NFS traffic
Step 1: Create an EFS File System
1.. Navigate to the EFS Dashboard
- Open the AWS Management Console.
- Go to the EFS dashboard.
- Create a File System
2.. Click on "Create file system".
- Follow the prompts to set up your EFS file system. You can choose the VPC, security group, and performance mode as per your requirements.
Step 2: Configure Security Groups
1.. EFS Security Group
- Ensure the security group associated with your EFS allows inbound traffic on port 2049 (NFS).
2.. EC2 Security Group
- Modify the security group associated with your EC2 instance to allow NFS traffic from the security group used by the EFS.
Step 3: Install NFS Client on Ubuntu
1.. Connect to Your EC2 Instance
- Use SSH to connect to your EC2 instance.
2.. Install NFS Client using the following script:
- sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y nfs-common
Step 4: Create a Mount Point
1.. Create a Directory to Mount EFS using the following script:
- sudo mkdir /mnt/efs
Step 5: Mount the EFS File System
1.. Mount the EFS File System using the following script:
- sudo mount -t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.1 < file-system-id >.efs. < region > /mnt/efs
Note: Be sure to replace file-system-id with your EFS file system ID and region with the appropriate AWS region (e.g., us-west-2).
Step 6: Verify the Mount
1.. Check the Mount Point using the following script:
- ls /mnt/efs
Step 7: Add Files to EFS
1.. Copy Files to the EFS using the following script:
- sudo cp /path/to/local/file /mnt/efs/
and / or
2.. Create Files Directly in EFS using the following script:
- echo "Hello, EFS!" | sudo tee /mnt/efs/hello.txt
There you have it! By following these steps, you can easily create an Amazon EFS, mount it on your Ubuntu instance, and add files to it. EFS provides a solution for storing files in the cloud, accessible from multiple instances as well as on-premises environments.
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