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Simple Firewall with Rust and Aya
Simple Firewall with Rust and Aya
Other Parts in this Series
- Part 1 Introduction
- Part 2 Setting Up
- Part 3 XDP Pass
- Part 4 XDP Hello World
- Part 5 XDP Using Maps
- Part 6 Simple Firewall
Part 6 Creating a Simple Firewall
Welcome to Part 6. In this chapter we will extend the work we did in part 5 where we looked at a simple PerCpuArray map to count packets.
Using eBPF we can create a simple firewall/router. With a small amount of code we can drop or redirect packets based on the source and destination addresses. We will implement this in several stages using a hashmap to store the configuration. The initial version will load the IP addresses from user space and to the eBPF kernel code, and with each iteration we can add more functionality.
As before, generate the code using `
cargo generate
I called the project firewall-001
Modify the generated source code
Modify ebpf firewall-001-ebpf/Cargo.toml to include a dependency for the network-types crate:
aya-ebpf = "0.1.0"
aya-log-ebpf = "0.1.0"
firewall-001-common = { path = "../firewall-001-common" }
network-types = "0.0.5"
Then modify the ebpf code in firewall-001-ebpf/src/
so we can add HashMap map
In the eBPF code firewall-001-ebpf/src/
the header section should look like this:
use ayaebpf::{bindings::xdpaction,
map }, // <---- added map macro
maps::HashMap // <--- added hashmaps
use ayalogebpf::info;
use core::mem; // <--- added memory crate
use network_types::{ // Added
eth::{EthHdr, EtherType},
ip::{IpProto, Ipv4Hdr},
Add the map definition, as in Part 5 we define the map in the ebpf code in
#[map(name = "SRCIPFILTER")]
static mut SRCIPFILTER: HashMap<u32, u8> =
HashMap::<u32, u8>::withmaxentries(1024, 0);
As we are working with the eBPF subsystem in the kernel we
will need to work directly with raw pointers. This is where
will use the core::mem crate
. We need to check the size
of data or the verifier will complain
fn ptr_at<T>(ctx: &XdpContext, offset: usize) -> Result<*const T, ()> {
let start =;
let end = ctx.data_end();
let len = mem::size_of::<T>();
if start + offset + len > end {
return Err(());
Ok((start + offset) as *const T)
The packet parsing will be done in the tryfirewall001 function. We will peel off the layers of each packet till we match the rules passed in by the map IP
let ethhdr: *const EthHdr = ptr_at(&ctx, 0)?; //
match unsafe { (*ethhdr).ether_type } {
EtherType::Ipv4 => {
info!(&ctx, "received IPv4 packet");
EtherType::Ipv6 => {
info!(&ctx, "received IPv6 packet");
return Ok(xdpaction::XDPDROP);
=> return Ok(xdp_action::XDPPASS),
We pass all IPv4 packets but drop any IPv6 packets, in the next section we start to unpack the IPv4 header, first we get the port
let source_port = match unsafe { (*ipv4hdr).proto } {
IpProto::Tcp => {
let tcphdr: *const TcpHdr =
ptr_at(&ctx, EthHdr::LEN + Ipv4Hdr::LEN)?;
u16::from_be(unsafe { (*tcphdr).source })
IpProto::Udp => {
let udphdr: *const UdpHdr =
ptr_at(&ctx, EthHdr::LEN + Ipv4Hdr::LEN)?;
u16::from_be(unsafe { (*udphdr).source })
_ => return Err(()),
Then we check if the ip address is one in our list of blocked ip addresses
if unsafe { SRCIP_FILTER.get(&source_addr).issome() } {
info!(&ctx, "dropping packet ...");
return Ok(xdpaction::XDPDROP);
The user space code reads a YAML config file that contains a list of IP addresses and an instruction as to what to do to the packets coming from that address.
"" : "block"
"" : "block"
"" : "block"
We will use the figment crate to parse the YAML config file into a hashmap that can be loaded into the eBPF map.
Modify the Cargo.toml file in firewall-001/Cargo.toml to include the dependency:
figment = { version = "0.10.18", features = ["yaml", "env"] }
And then add the following to the user space rust code in firewall-001/src/
use std::net::Ipv4Addr;
use figment::{Figment, providers::{Yaml, Format}};
async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let opt = Opt::parse();
let config: HashMap<String,String> = Figment::new()
Here we extract the config file into a HashMap<String,String>
Once we have the entries from our config file in the a HashMap
we can load them into the hashmap created in the ebpf code.
This is the opposite of what we did in the Part 5 where we data was stored in the map on the eBPF side and passed to the user space program. Here we load the data from user space and pass it to the eBPF using the map.
let mut srcip_filter : ayaHashMap<, u32, u8> =
ayaHashMap::tryfrom( bpf.map_mut("SRC_IPFILTER").unwrap())?;
for (k, v) in config {
if v == "block" {
let addr : Ipv4Addr = k.parse().unwrap();
println!("addr {:?}" , addr);
let = src_ipfilter.insert(u32::from(addr), 1, 0);
The IP addresses get loaded into the map and are then visible in the eBPF code running in the kernel.
We can use the loopback address to test whether the firewall works First load the eBPF program and attach it to the loopback interface
RUST_LOG=info cargo xtask run -- -i lo
We can check that it is loaded using bpftool
$ sudo bpftool prog list | grep -A 5 firewall
5118: xdp name firewall_002 tag 64a3874abd9070d2 gpl
loaded_at 2024-05-01T23:27:54-0700 uid 0
xlated 7008B jited 3759B memlock 8192B map_ids 1532,1534,1533,1535
We can use the netcat program to test it. In one terminal start a server listening on port 9090
nc -l 9090
In another terminal send data to the server:
echo "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" | nc 9090
In the terminal running the cargo command:
2024-05-02T06:37:27Z INFO firewall_002] received IPv4 packet
[2024-05-02T06:37:27Z INFO firewall_002] dropping packet ...
In the netcat server window there will no output showing receipt of a packet
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