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A Step-by-Step Guide on how to Register a Name on Ethereum Using Web3Auth and
Published at
Mohammad Shahbaz Alam
- Node.js and npm installed on your machine.
- React or similar application setup.
- Install required dependencies:
, andclusters
npm install @web3auth/modal @web3auth/ethereum-provider viem clusters
Step 1: Import Required Libraries
In your React component, start by importing the necessary libraries and modules.
import { Web3Auth } from "@web3auth/modal";
import { EthereumPrivateKeyProvider } from "@web3auth/ethereum-provider";
import { WEB3AUTH_NETWORK } from "@web3auth/base";
import { createWalletClient, createPublicClient, formatUnits, custom } from "viem";
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains";
import { Clusters, isNameValid } from "@clustersxyz/sdk";
import { RegistrationTransactionData_evm } from "@clustersxyz/sdk/types";
Step 2: Initialize Web3Auth
Configure the Web3Auth with the client ID and network details.
const clientId = "YOUR_WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID"; // Replace with your Web3Auth client ID
const chainConfig = {
chainId: "0xaa36a7", // Replace with appropriate chain ID
rpcTarget: "RPC_URL", // Replace with your RPC url
displayName: "Ethereum Sepolia Testnet",
blockExplorer: "",
ticker: "ETH",
tickerName: "Ethereum",
const privateKeyProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyProvider({
config: { chainConfig: chainConfig }
const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
privateKeyProvider: privateKeyProvider,
Step 3: Connect to Web3Auth
Establish a connection to Web3Auth after connecting with any of the Social provider provider with the Web3Auth Plug n Play Modal.
const w3aProvider = await web3auth.connect();
Step 4: Create Public and Wallet Clients
Set up the public and wallet clients for interacting with the blockchain.
const publicClient = createPublicClient({
chain: sepolia,
transport: custom(w3aProvider),
const walletClient = createWalletClient({
chain: sepolia,
transport: custom(w3aProvider), // Ensure you use the correct provider
Step 5: Initialize Clusters
Set up Clusters with your API key.
const clusters = new Clusters({ apiKey: "YOUR_CLUSTER_API_KEY" }); // Replace with your Clusters API key
Step 6: Check Name Availability
Validate the name and check its availability.
const name = "desiredName"; // Replace with the name you want to register
const registerName = async (name: string) => {
if (!isNameValid(name)) {
console.error("Invalid name format");
const nameAvailability = await clusters.getNameAvailability(name);
if (!nameAvailability.isAvailable) {
console.error("Name already taken!");
const names = [{ name }];
const signerAddress = await walletClient.getAddresses();
const chainId = "11155111"; // Sepolia
const data = await clusters.getRegistrationTransaction(names, signerAddress[0], chainId);
if (!data?.registrationFee || !data?.gasToken || !data?.bridgeFee || !data?.transactionData) {
console.error("Failed to get registration transaction data");
const registrationFee = formatUnits(BigInt(data.registrationFee), data.gasToken.decimals);
const bridgeFee = formatUnits(BigInt(data.bridgeFee), data.gasToken.decimals);
const totalFees = `Total Registration fee: ${registrationFee} ${data.gasToken.symbol}\nBridge fee: ${bridgeFee} ${data.gasToken.symbol}`;
const transactionDetails = {
account: signerAddress[0],
value: BigInt(data.transactionData.value),
const hash = await walletClient.sendTransaction(transactionDetails);
const receipt = await publicClient.waitForTransactionReceipt({ hash });
const transactionStatus = await clusters.getTransactionStatus(hash);
const result = {
transactionStatus: transactionStatus.status,
registrationMessage: `${name} registered successfully!`,
return {
This guide outlines how to:
- Initialize Web3Auth with the required configurations.
- Connect to Web3Auth and obtain the provider.
- Create public and wallet clients for blockchain interactions.
- Initialize Clusters with your API key.
- Check name availability and register the name if available.
Make sure to handle errors and edge cases in a production environment.
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A Step-by-Step Guide on how to Register a Name on Ethereum Using Web3Auth and
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