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A Quick Intro To Eloquent Observers
Laravel's Eloquent Observers are powerful tools that allow you to attach actions to model events that occur throughout your app. These events include creating, updating, deleting, and more, providing a convenient way to respond to changes in your application's data without having to scatter code all over your app's codebase.
Implementing observers involves creating a dedicated class for each model, usually within the app/Observers directory, and defining methods that correspond to the desired model events. This separation of concerns enhances code readability and makes it easier to manage application logic, especially as it grows in complexity.
Here is a list of all the Laravel model events you can listen for, utilizing Post
as our example model:
namespace App\Observers;
use App\Models\Post;
class PostObserver
public function retrieved(Post $post): void
// Logic to be executed just after a Post is retrieved from the DB
public function creating(Post $post): void
// Logic to be executed just before creating a new Post is being created for the first time
public function created(Post $post): void
// Logic to be executed after creating a new Post is created for the first time
public function updating(Post $post): void
// Logic to be executed just before updating a Post
public function updated(Post $post): void
// Logic to be executed after updating a Post
public function saving(Post $post): void
// Logic to be executed just before saving a Post (fires for both create and update)
public function saved(Post $post): void
// Logic to be executed after saving a Post (fires for both create and update)
public function deleting(Post $post): void
// Logic to be executed just before deleting a Post
public function deleted(Post $post): void
// Logic to be executed after deleting a Post
public function forceDeleting(Post $post): void
// Logic to be executed before force deleting a Post
public function forceDeleted(Post $post): void
// Logic to be executed after force deleting a Post
public function restoring(Post $post): void
// Logic to be executed just before restoring a soft-deleted Post
public function restored(Post $post): void
// Logic to be executed after restoring a soft-deleted Post
public function replicating(Post $post): void
// Logic to be executed after replicating a Post
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