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Believe in what you know already

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Michelle Sanseverino
Believe in what you know already

Hello everyone!

It's been a long time no see. I haven't been able to upload for a few months, but now I will upload more frequently. And today I'm going to share a feeling I've been having the last few months.

In 2024, I made a goal for my career: to study JavaScript development and English to be able to secure a job position. And that's what I did (and still do). No, I haven't had my job opportunity yet, but it will come. Now I have that mindset, but for a really long time I was sure I didn't know enough to be a developer.

How many people don't suffer from this almost every day? Doubting everything we do or believing that our knowledge is not enough for a job opportunity. It's a feeling that I think everyone has had at least once in their life.

Sad dog sitted in a beach looking at thw water, while a wave comes near him.

We practice, we build applications, we test, we share, and we still struggle to believe in ourselves.

Something I have started to do, and maybe you can too, is to track my steps. To keep track of where I am and where I want to be. Registering what I am learning and what I have done makes me realize that I have progressed from the beginner of the year.

Now I know that I may find difficulties along the way, but I also see that I understand better, can see the solution to a problem in a way that I didn't before.

For those of you who would like to try it, I recommend that you take a blank page (it can be digital, like a notepad or an idea, but also a post-it on your wall) and write down what you did that day. For example, "11/18/2024 - studied arrays in JavaScript, wrote an article for Dev.to, tested a local server". There are also people participating in #100DaysofCode, a project to get everyone to learn or create something for 100 days. That way you can build consistency.

This way you have a record of everything you do and maybe in a few months you can see all the progress you have made.

Now let me know, how are you feeling? How has your 2024 been? How are you tracking your progress and what are your goals? Please comment, let's share and help each other as the great community we are.

See you soon!

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