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My Zig with Ghostty

Published at
Abhishek Anand Amralkar
My Zig with Ghostty

Ghostty is a fast, feature-rich, and cross-platform terminal emulator that uses platform-native UI and GPU acceleration. Ghostty is written in Zig.


To install in MacOS

# update formulae
brew update

# stable
brew install --cask ghostty

# tip
brew install --cask ghostty@tip

Ghostty Docs


Ghostty supports below actions

Available actions:

  • see all available themes

ghostty +list-themes

Image description

  • see all keybindings

ghostty +list-keybinds

super + alt   + shift + j               write_scrollback_file:open
super + alt   + shift + w               close_all_windows
super + alt   + i                       inspector:toggle
super + alt   + right                   goto_split:right
super + alt   + down                    goto_split:bottom
super + alt   + left                    goto_split:left
super + alt   + up                      goto_split:top
super + ctrl  + equal                   equalize_splits
super + ctrl  + down                    resize_split:down,10
super + ctrl  + left                    resize_split:left,10
super + ctrl  + up                      resize_split:up,10
super + ctrl  + f                       toggle_fullscreen
super + ctrl  + right                   resize_split:right,10
super + shift + down                    jump_to_prompt:1
super + shift + w                       close_window
super + shift + left_bracket            previous_tab
super + shift + right_bracket           next_tab
super + shift + up                      jump_to_prompt:-1
super + shift + comma                   reload_config
super + shift + enter                   toggle_split_zoom
super + shift + j                       write_scrollback_file:paste
super + shift + d                       new_split:down
ctrl  + shift + left_bracket            previous_tab
ctrl  + shift + period                  move_tab:1
ctrl  + shift + comma                   move_tab:-1
ctrl  + shift + right_bracket           next_tab
ctrl  + shift + tab                     previous_tab
super + page_up                         scroll_page_up
super + physical:four                   goto_tab:4
super + backspace                       esc:
super + w                               close_surface
super + physical:eight                  goto_tab:8
super + down                            jump_to_prompt:1
super + enter                           toggle_fullscreen
super + t                               new_tab
super + c                               copy_to_clipboard
super + physical:one                    goto_tab:1
super + equal                           increase_font_size:1
super + physical:three                  goto_tab:3
super + right                           text:\x05
super + d                               new_split:right
super + plus                            increase_font_size:1
super + q                               quit
super + home                            scroll_to_top
super + left                            text:\x01
super + comma                           open_config
super + minus                           decrease_font_size:1
super + a                               select_all
super + n                               new_window
super + page_down                       scroll_page_down
super + left_bracket                    goto_split:previous
super + physical:nine                   last_tab
super + right_bracket                   goto_split:next
super + end                             scroll_to_bottom
super + zero                            reset_font_size
super + physical:five                   goto_tab:5
super + physical:seven                  goto_tab:7
super + up                              jump_to_prompt:-1
super + k                               clear_screen
super + s                               toggle_quick_terminal
super + physical:two                    goto_tab:2
super + physical:six                    goto_tab:6
super + v                               paste_from_clipboard
alt   + left                            esc:b
alt   + right                           esc:f
ctrl  + v                               new_split:right
ctrl  + h                               new_split:down
ctrl  + tab                             next_tab
ctrl  + z                               close_surface
shift + up                              adjust_selection:up
shift + left                            adjust_selection:left
shift + page_up                         adjust_selection:page_up
shift + end                             adjust_selection:end
shift + right                           adjust_selection:right
shift + page_down                       adjust_selection:page_down
shift + down                            adjust_selection:down
shift + home                            adjust_selection:home

For me migration from iTerm to Ghostty is super easy. I'm looking forward to using Ghostty as my default shell moving forward.

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